Efforts to save "ambulance man" from 'potters field' burial - Maryland
Fire Chief's Husband Retracts Statement - San Francisco, California
City might accept EMS: Competition could save money - Chandler, Arizona
Tragedy brings new protection to emergency workers - Kentucky
City manager suggests ambulance competition - Auburn, New York
Iowa: Firefighter/Paramedic ( Clinton)
Illinois: Firefighter/Paramedic ( Rock Island)
Report critical of Northern Lakes - Rathdrum, Idaho
EMS looking to prison to pay bills of inmates - Lock Haven , Pennsylvania
Wisconsin: (Monroe) EMS Service Director
Pittston Twp. motions to start EMS tax - Pennsylvania
Health professionals being recruited for medical reserve corps
Woman Survives After Being Pronounced Dead - Washington DC
Forced into legal limbo - Chicago, Illinois
New Shots In The FDNY Response Time Fight -New York
5 car wreck involving ambulance injures cop - Savannah, Georgia
Lee EMS wants extra $5.2 million to expand - Florida
Bid to shut W. Hudson emergency room - New Jersey
Rural/Metro Awarded Contract Renewal - Aurora, Colorado
Fire Chief's Husband Retracts Statement - San Francisco, California
City might accept EMS: Competition could save money - Chandler, Arizona
Tragedy brings new protection to emergency workers - Kentucky
City manager suggests ambulance competition - Auburn, New York
Iowa: Firefighter/Paramedic ( Clinton)
Illinois: Firefighter/Paramedic ( Rock Island)
Report critical of Northern Lakes - Rathdrum, Idaho
EMS looking to prison to pay bills of inmates - Lock Haven , Pennsylvania
Wisconsin: (Monroe) EMS Service Director
Pittston Twp. motions to start EMS tax - Pennsylvania
Health professionals being recruited for medical reserve corps
Woman Survives After Being Pronounced Dead - Washington DC
Forced into legal limbo - Chicago, Illinois
New Shots In The FDNY Response Time Fight -New York
5 car wreck involving ambulance injures cop - Savannah, Georgia
Lee EMS wants extra $5.2 million to expand - Florida
Bid to shut W. Hudson emergency room - New Jersey
Rural/Metro Awarded Contract Renewal - Aurora, Colorado
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