Second grader reaches out to Mississippi paramedics family
Woman dies after being struck by ambulance - Ypsilanti Township, Michigan
Officials to meet on two Harrells EMS positions - North Carolina
Medic! Stat! - Indiana
Six Taken To Hospital After Fire Rescue Truck, Car Collide -Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Truck Hits Ambulance In Northeast Austin - Texas
11 in a row just doesn't add up - Florida
Bush Plan Shows U.S. Is Not Ready for Deadly Flu
7 Injured When Motorist Hits Paramedic Vehicle - Los Angeles, California
In the Heart of Hell
LifeStar medevac pilot killed in crash - Erie, Pennsylvania
Ambulance Rollover - Phoenix, Arizona
Vintage ambulances infatuate collectors - Ohio
They get photos by accident - Washington County, Maryland
Fire Marshal/EMT Dies After Snake Bite - Putnam County, Florida
CDF fire engine collides with car - Sonoma County, California
Paramedics rallying around their injured comrade - Ontario, Canada
A blow-by-blow of Galveston's close call - Texas
EMS answers Texas SOS -Syracuse, New York
Woman dies after being struck by ambulance - Ypsilanti Township, Michigan
Officials to meet on two Harrells EMS positions - North Carolina
Medic! Stat! - Indiana
Six Taken To Hospital After Fire Rescue Truck, Car Collide -Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Truck Hits Ambulance In Northeast Austin - Texas
11 in a row just doesn't add up - Florida
Bush Plan Shows U.S. Is Not Ready for Deadly Flu
7 Injured When Motorist Hits Paramedic Vehicle - Los Angeles, California
In the Heart of Hell
LifeStar medevac pilot killed in crash - Erie, Pennsylvania
Ambulance Rollover - Phoenix, Arizona
Vintage ambulances infatuate collectors - Ohio
They get photos by accident - Washington County, Maryland
Fire Marshal/EMT Dies After Snake Bite - Putnam County, Florida
CDF fire engine collides with car - Sonoma County, California
Paramedics rallying around their injured comrade - Ontario, Canada
A blow-by-blow of Galveston's close call - Texas
EMS answers Texas SOS -Syracuse, New York
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