Treatment Helps Cardiac Arrest Victims Survive
Young's dedication, selfless giving to emergency services - Allentown, Pennsylvania
Lee running low on ambulances - Florida
Medevac: Fatal Crashes Warrant New Safety Rules
Greenwich Hospital picks up NY ER slack - Conneticut
88-Year-Old EMT Laid To Rest - Ohio
Trauma care providers seek relief with Senate Bill 19- Colorado
Ontario Set to Tackle Paramedic Wait Times in ER's - Canada
Overtime hits city budget hard - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Shaw adds EMS option - Raleigh, North Carolina
Nursing homes upset about EMS changes - Texas City, Texas
Fire chiefs to discuss ALS for Newberry Twp.- Pennsylvania
EMS may face crisis as 'bribes' probed - South Africa
Is swift care worth the cash? - Fountain, Colorado
Study Examines EMS Coping Strategies
Ambulance Rollover - Greece
Customized disaster vehicle to cost $1 million - Arizona
Child Porn Charges For Fireman and Paramedic supervisor - Berkeley, California
Hospital obvious choice as ambulance service provider - Benton, Arkansas
Medic to appeal sanctions - Greenfield, Indiana
Young's dedication, selfless giving to emergency services - Allentown, Pennsylvania
Lee running low on ambulances - Florida
Medevac: Fatal Crashes Warrant New Safety Rules
Greenwich Hospital picks up NY ER slack - Conneticut
88-Year-Old EMT Laid To Rest - Ohio
Trauma care providers seek relief with Senate Bill 19- Colorado
Ontario Set to Tackle Paramedic Wait Times in ER's - Canada
Overtime hits city budget hard - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Shaw adds EMS option - Raleigh, North Carolina
Nursing homes upset about EMS changes - Texas City, Texas
Fire chiefs to discuss ALS for Newberry Twp.- Pennsylvania
EMS may face crisis as 'bribes' probed - South Africa
Is swift care worth the cash? - Fountain, Colorado
Study Examines EMS Coping Strategies
Ambulance Rollover - Greece
Customized disaster vehicle to cost $1 million - Arizona
Child Porn Charges For Fireman and Paramedic supervisor - Berkeley, California
Hospital obvious choice as ambulance service provider - Benton, Arkansas
Medic to appeal sanctions - Greenfield, Indiana
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