LifeTrac is finalist for prestigious award
New Castle weighs 2 paramedic plans - New York
Yoe to add medics -Pennsylvania
Missouri: EMT (casino)
Texas; Dallas: EMT's
Robot Birth Simulator Gaining Popularity
Walton fire chief faces tough questions - Georgia
101st Airborne Division Medics Share Knowledge - California
VFW Post 10556 honors Boca police, fire and paramedics - Florida
Paramedics mark 30 years of life-saving - Massachusetts
'Eagle' has landed - Oklahoma
Changes to DCFD EMS - Washington D.C.
The Mad Scramble to Get Into a Packed ER
Hanover Fire Co. still in business - Pensylvania
Man sues county after wife dies before help arrives - South Carolina
New Castle weighs 2 paramedic plans - New York
Yoe to add medics -Pennsylvania
Missouri: EMT (casino)
Texas; Dallas: EMT's
Robot Birth Simulator Gaining Popularity
Walton fire chief faces tough questions - Georgia
101st Airborne Division Medics Share Knowledge - California
VFW Post 10556 honors Boca police, fire and paramedics - Florida
Paramedics mark 30 years of life-saving - Massachusetts
'Eagle' has landed - Oklahoma
Changes to DCFD EMS - Washington D.C.
The Mad Scramble to Get Into a Packed ER
Hanover Fire Co. still in business - Pensylvania
Man sues county after wife dies before help arrives - South Carolina
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