First Responder Benefit Problems - USA
Budget cuts leave Stillwater's emergency services understaffed, unmanned - Oklahoma
Team Researches Ways to Decrease EMS Response, Transportation Time - Alabama
EMS governing board proposed - Pennsylvania
First Responders’ grant requests rejected - Hubbard, Minnesota
County says ambulance OK to operate - San Andreas, California
Dellona puts hold on EMS - Wisconsin
Company needs new EMS Director - Scotts Bluff, South Dakota
County finance panel backs interlocal ambulance agreement - Washington County, Arkansas
Complaints Plague Haynes Ambulance Wetumpka - Alabama
Medic fired for alleged drunken driving in ambulance - Des Moines , Iowa
Hartford votes tonight on ambulance service - South Dakota
TO to ask fire department for more services - Ventura County, California
Brandon's ambulance committee resigns - South Dakota
Paramedics honoured for service - Barrie, Ontario
Collier EMS medical director to be in national TV spotlight - Florida
H. Dean Folkerts, EMT (ret) - Barron, Wisconsin
Budget cuts leave Stillwater's emergency services understaffed, unmanned - Oklahoma
Team Researches Ways to Decrease EMS Response, Transportation Time - Alabama
EMS governing board proposed - Pennsylvania
First Responders’ grant requests rejected - Hubbard, Minnesota
County says ambulance OK to operate - San Andreas, California
Dellona puts hold on EMS - Wisconsin
Company needs new EMS Director - Scotts Bluff, South Dakota
County finance panel backs interlocal ambulance agreement - Washington County, Arkansas
Complaints Plague Haynes Ambulance Wetumpka - Alabama
Medic fired for alleged drunken driving in ambulance - Des Moines , Iowa
Hartford votes tonight on ambulance service - South Dakota
TO to ask fire department for more services - Ventura County, California
Brandon's ambulance committee resigns - South Dakota
Paramedics honoured for service - Barrie, Ontario
Collier EMS medical director to be in national TV spotlight - Florida
H. Dean Folkerts, EMT (ret) - Barron, Wisconsin
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