Ambulance Crash Log
Crash Victim Can't Catch Break: Ambulance Collides With Car - New York
Firefighters encounter thousands of bees - Florida
Alien Smugglers Use Ambulance Service to Get Through Checkpoint
Crafton mayor overrides council decision to change ambulance services -Pennsylvania
Kachemak Emergency Services may soon be independent of city - Alaska
White Oak to switch EMS service - Texas
Richmond Ambulance Authority names interim CEO - Virginia
Canton firefighers get new bulletproof vests - Ohio
New contract strengthens ambulance service, city says - Wyoming
Cost of medical transport disputed - North Carolina
EMS belts get tighter - Texas
Denver 911 rated best in state for 2008 work - Colorado
Paramedic calls are a tax on beach cities - California
Vote ‘yes' on Lee Twp. first responders millage - Michigan
Hospital president urges approval of NR paramedic levy - Ohio
Paramedic files suit over '06 suicide incident - Nevada
Minneola Fire Department Investigation Closed - Florida
Bill Increases Penalty For Assaulting EMTs - Oklahoma
Former Lubbock Paramedic To Spend Life In Prison - Texas
Goochland man gets term for posing as a paramedic - Virginia
Cleveland firefighter faces felony charges; accused of stealing exam - Ohio
Paramedics still walking the line - Canada
Crash Victim Can't Catch Break: Ambulance Collides With Car - New York
Firefighters encounter thousands of bees - Florida
Alien Smugglers Use Ambulance Service to Get Through Checkpoint
Crafton mayor overrides council decision to change ambulance services -Pennsylvania
Kachemak Emergency Services may soon be independent of city - Alaska
White Oak to switch EMS service - Texas
Richmond Ambulance Authority names interim CEO - Virginia
Canton firefighers get new bulletproof vests - Ohio
New contract strengthens ambulance service, city says - Wyoming
Cost of medical transport disputed - North Carolina
EMS belts get tighter - Texas
Denver 911 rated best in state for 2008 work - Colorado
Paramedic calls are a tax on beach cities - California
Vote ‘yes' on Lee Twp. first responders millage - Michigan
Hospital president urges approval of NR paramedic levy - Ohio
Paramedic files suit over '06 suicide incident - Nevada
Minneola Fire Department Investigation Closed - Florida
Bill Increases Penalty For Assaulting EMTs - Oklahoma
Former Lubbock Paramedic To Spend Life In Prison - Texas
Goochland man gets term for posing as a paramedic - Virginia
Cleveland firefighter faces felony charges; accused of stealing exam - Ohio
Paramedics still walking the line - Canada
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