Mayor Jackson tells paramedics to report to work - OhioAug
Union looks into ambulance billing issue - Maine
Raymore Firefighter Survives Lightning Strike - Missouri
Hospital, city reach deal on ambulance transport - Montana
L.A. Fire Department cuts some rescue vehicles, paramedic supervisors - California
Hamilton drops ambulance appeal - Massachusetts
More Room for Ambulances at Police HQ - Connecticut
Cleona sounds siren on ambulance plan - Pennsylvania
EMS union says city is not giving back - Texas
OpEd: Atlantic Cty firehouse investigation; What's the holdup? - New Jersey
AG hands indictments in EMT training scandal - Massachusetts
Foley among those indicted in EMT scandal - Massachusetts
City Auditor, Fire Chief Join Investigation Regarding EMS Education - Oklahoma
It’s house arrest for ambulance treasurer - Pennsylvania
ER /Hospital
Kaiser Trauma Center opens - California
Air ambulance in the mountains - Kentucky
Charlotte H. Yaeger - Wisconsin
Human Interest
Moore becomes first female firefighter in West Alexandria - Ohio
Area fire and EMS recognize Congressman Obey - Wisconsin
Mayor Jackson tells paramedics to report to work - OhioAug
Union looks into ambulance billing issue - Maine
Raymore Firefighter Survives Lightning Strike - Missouri
Hospital, city reach deal on ambulance transport - Montana
L.A. Fire Department cuts some rescue vehicles, paramedic supervisors - California
Hamilton drops ambulance appeal - Massachusetts
More Room for Ambulances at Police HQ - Connecticut
Cleona sounds siren on ambulance plan - Pennsylvania
EMS union says city is not giving back - Texas
OpEd: Atlantic Cty firehouse investigation; What's the holdup? - New Jersey
AG hands indictments in EMT training scandal - Massachusetts
Foley among those indicted in EMT scandal - Massachusetts
City Auditor, Fire Chief Join Investigation Regarding EMS Education - Oklahoma
It’s house arrest for ambulance treasurer - Pennsylvania
ER /Hospital
Kaiser Trauma Center opens - California
Air ambulance in the mountains - Kentucky
Charlotte H. Yaeger - Wisconsin
Human Interest
Moore becomes first female firefighter in West Alexandria - Ohio
Area fire and EMS recognize Congressman Obey - Wisconsin
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