Rural/Metro Holder Gets Closer To Poison-Pill Threshold |
VB EMS to connect records with Sentara - Virginia |
Woman dies during ambulance trip; electronic components blamed - Minnesota |
St. Paul Firefighter Invents Safe Backing System - Minnesota |
Ambulance response time compliant-Dispatch records: 4 minutes - California |
Dispatch, training focus of ambulance district meeting - Arkansas |
2 ambulance services now in Lawrence - Alabama |
EMS employees brought under county pay scale - Florida |
Phenix fire department housing new satellite office for rescue squad - Virginia |
12,000 nurses launch 1-day walkout - Minnesota |
Judge orders Lebanon Twp. to return ambulances to the township First Aid Squad - New Jersey |
Assembly Passes Bill Protecting Volunteer EMS And Firefighters Rights - New York |
Ex-EMS Director Accused Of Stealing 55K - Georgia |
Firefighter Found Guilty of Assault On Patient - Washington DC |
Niagara County Firefighter Investigated - New York |
Job Listings
Florida: EMT Paramedic |
Texas: EMS Quality Improvement Coordinator |
Bodily Assault Log
EMTs threatened by armed Exeter man they try to help - Rhode Island |
Air Evac Lifeteam earns Operator Safety Award - Ilinois |
Joel C. Gentz - Michigan |
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