Historic ambulance drives into town - Saratoga Springs, New York
Former Kinston ambulance driver sentenced - North Carolina
Hospital, firefighters vie over license - Virginia, Minnesota
Critical Access designation not a cure-all - California
Teen who died in crash with ambulance ID'd - Boulder, Colorado
Winhall residents urge quick resolution of rescue squad dispute - Vermont
Swift and Massive LAFD Response Saves Hospital Patients From Fire
PMT hopes to parlay rave reviews from Scottsdale into new contracts - Arizona
Robert Reynolds, EMT/FF - Los Molinos, California
Bad Toys Holdings Inc., Renews 2 Year Contract for Approximate $3.6 Gross Revenue - Perry County, Alabama
Charleston newspaper obtains documents indicating 911 problems - South Carolina
White House Flu Plan Overlooks Fire Fighters & Paramedics, Says IAFF
Cedar Springs man charged with sexual abuse - Michigan
Doctor arrested as he tries to reach injured daughter - Florida
First Responders Seek Support - Nebraska
A tough market - Polk County, Florida
City Releases 911 Tapes Of Late Ambulance Run - Washington D.C.
Will the Circle Be Unbroken? - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Deal still possible for paramedics, firefighters: chief - Winnipeg, Canada
City approves fire/EMS merger with county - Arcadia, Florida
Former Kinston ambulance driver sentenced - North Carolina
Hospital, firefighters vie over license - Virginia, Minnesota
Critical Access designation not a cure-all - California
Teen who died in crash with ambulance ID'd - Boulder, Colorado
Winhall residents urge quick resolution of rescue squad dispute - Vermont
Swift and Massive LAFD Response Saves Hospital Patients From Fire
PMT hopes to parlay rave reviews from Scottsdale into new contracts - Arizona
Robert Reynolds, EMT/FF - Los Molinos, California
Bad Toys Holdings Inc., Renews 2 Year Contract for Approximate $3.6 Gross Revenue - Perry County, Alabama
Charleston newspaper obtains documents indicating 911 problems - South Carolina
White House Flu Plan Overlooks Fire Fighters & Paramedics, Says IAFF
Cedar Springs man charged with sexual abuse - Michigan
Doctor arrested as he tries to reach injured daughter - Florida
First Responders Seek Support - Nebraska
A tough market - Polk County, Florida
City Releases 911 Tapes Of Late Ambulance Run - Washington D.C.
Will the Circle Be Unbroken? - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Deal still possible for paramedics, firefighters: chief - Winnipeg, Canada
City approves fire/EMS merger with county - Arcadia, Florida
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